Number one song in 1957?
Number one song in 1957? In Germany, there were 11 #1 songs in the 1957.
These number one songs in 1957 began with Smoky by Die Sieben Raben which went to #1 on 24th November, 1956 and remained at the top spot for 8 weeks.
The last number one song of 1957 was Wo meine Sonne scheint by Caterina Valente which went to #1 on 21st December, 1957 and remained at the top spot for 5 weeks.
The German song that was number one for the longest single run in 1957 was Banana Boat Song by Harry Belafonte which went to number one on 13th July, 1957 and stayed at the top slot for 13 weeks.
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