German Number one song in 1955

Number one song in 1955?

Number one song in 1955? In Germany, there were 8 #1 songs in the 1955.

These number one songs in 1955 began with Jim, Johnny & Jonas by Hula Hawaiian Quartett which went to #1 on 1st January, 1955 and remained at the top spot for 8 weeks.

The last number one song of 1955 was Der Mond hält seine Wacht by Peter Alexander which went to #1 on 26th November, 1955 and remained at the top spot for 11 weeks.

The German song that was number one for the longest single run in 1955 was Ganz Paris träumt von der Liebe by Caterina Valente which went to number one on 1st March, 1955 and stayed at the top slot for 21 weeks.

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