Australian Number One Song On 6th April, 2020


Saint Jhn

If you were born on Monday 6th April, 2020 then Roses by Saint Jhn was the Australian #1 song on your birthday. The song went to number one on April 6th 2020 and stayed at the top of the charts for 2 weeks. Roses has a 85% popularity rating on Spotify.

Since your birthday on there have been 4 Australian number one songs.

The most popular number one song on your birthday according to Spotify has been Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo with a Spotify popularity score of 98%.

The song that stayed at the number one slot for the longest single run was Flowers by Miley Cyrus which was at #1 for 12 weeks over your 3rd birthday.

Other number one songs in April 2020

These are all of the Australian songs that were number 1 in April 2020, close to your birthday. Or, view every Australian number one song in the year 2020.

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#1 songs on my birthday - 6th April

My birthday! (2020): 'Roses' by Saint Jhn
1st birthday (2021): 'Heat Waves' by Glass Animals
2nd birthday (2022): 'Heat Waves' by Glass Animals
3rd birthday (2023): 'Flowers' by Miley Cyrus
4th birthday (2024): 'Vampire' by Olivia Rodrigo

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