German Number One Song On September 12th, 2007

The German number one song on September 12th, 2007 was...


Culcha Candela

Hamma! went to number one in Germany on August 24, 2007 for 6 weeks.

According to Spotify, Hamma! has a popularity score of 63%.

Want to see the number one German song on every one of your birthdays?

My Birthday Hits also gives you every other number one song on your birthday. Each of the tracks listed below was a number one hit on your birthday, 12th September , in Germany .

You can grab the list of the tracks below or cut and paste a Spotify track list of the tracks into a Spotify playlist so you can listen at home.

Click on any of the other tracks to watch a YouTube video of the song. And if you are Looking for a specific birthday then you will probably want to Jump to the number 1 song on your 12th birthday, number one song on your 14th birthday, or the #1 song on your 23rd birthday.

According to Spotify data the most played number one song on your birthday has been Wake Me Up! by Avicii, with a Spotify popularity score of 84%. Wake Me Up! was #1 on your 6. Geburtstag in 2013. The song in your birthday hits list that stayed at the number one slot for the longest single run was Don't Be So Shy (Filatov & Karas Remix) by Imany in 2016 over your 9. Geburtstag. Don't Be So Shy (Filatov & Karas Remix) was #1 for 10

Spotify Playlist

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#1 song on my birthday — 12th, September

Mein Geburtstag! (2007) - Hamma! by Culcha Candela
1. Geburtstag (2008) - Gib mir Sonne by Rosenstolz
2. Geburtstag (2009) - If a Song Could Get Me You by Marit Larsen
3. Geburtstag (2010) - We No Speak Americano by Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP
4. Geburtstag (2011) - New Age by Marlon Roudette
5. Geburtstag (2012) - One Day / Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Rmx) by Asaf Avidan
6. Geburtstag (2013) - Wake Me Up! by Avicii
7. Geburtstag (2014) - Lovers on the Sun by David Guetta featuring Sam Martin
8. Geburtstag (2015) - Schrei nach Liebe by Die Ärzte
9. Geburtstag (2016) - Don't Be So Shy (Filatov & Karas Remix) by Imany
10. Geburtstag (2017) - More Than You Know by Axwell Ingrosso
11. Geburtstag (2018) - In My Mind by Dynoro and Gigi D'Agostino
12. Geburtstag (2019) - Roller by Apache 207
13. Geburtstag (2020) - Fuckst mich nur ab by Bonez MC
14. Geburtstag (2021) - Mandarinen by Shindy
15. Geburtstag (2022) - Nachts wach by Miksu/Macloud & Makko
16. Geburtstag (2023) - Komet by Udo Lindenberg and Apache 207
17. Geburtstag (2024) - Komet by Udo Lindenberg and Apache 207

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